Development of Jharkhand

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jharkhand 13th Statehood day: Sthapna Diwas

Jharkhand has separated from Bihar and become a new state of India on 15th November, 2000 and today is also 15th November and it is 13th statehood day of the Jharkhand. The Development of Jharkhand is remain same everywhere. There is no such development we are seeing.

The following are the big reasons

1. Politics discripancy
2. Land Capturing
3. Mining technique

There are many such reasons who create fars from development. Jharkhand is full of mining ores and minerals but due to some mining policy experience, people do not let them allow for new mining. Land Rehabilitation rule is also responsible for that. Now the Land Capturing policy has come.

Overall, we just analyze the success of our state on its state hood day. In Jharkhand sthapna diwas, we can say that the development of Jharkhand is not satisfied yet. Still there is no light in 15000 Village, according to prabhat khabar.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jharkhand New REHABILITATE Rules are good for the development of State

The main reason to be behind from the development is its Land Rehabilitate rules. People used to captures others land and it is the big reasons to keep behind.

There are certain Rehabilitate rules have been passed in Jharkhand.

1. For making house, you will get 1.50 Lakh

2. Free 12.50 Dismil Land to displaced People, who will take land will be given Rs 2 lakh

3. Landless people will get 5 dismil land, who will not take this will be given Rs 80k

4. Landless people will get 1 lakh for making their house. etc

This rules have been passed in all the state and will be at 31st march, 2017.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chakravyuh between Indian Police and Naxalite-Maoist Review

Friends, I am available to write about Chakravyuh running between Indian Police and Maoist. I was watching a movie directed by Prakash Jha named 'Chakravyuh'. Very good rating movie. It has been rated 3.5 by Indiatimes. What a true story has been presented in the Movie. Abhay Deol and Arjun had presented awesome acting. They realised us about true story and struggle running between the Police and the Maoist.

Friends, think that who is the Maoist? Maoist is also the Indian people i.e. public. We cannot kill anyone and do violence. We should just treat it by non-violence. This is very true that whatever funds have been allocated by the Central government to villages, not full funds could reach to the people, there are many corrupt people in between, they just grab that funds by illegal method. Abhay Deol has said very true dialogue that this activity i.e. looting money by illegally is more violence than any other. So, what Maoists are doing?, they are just creating their own group which is helping poor people’s because the belief of people on the Police have been finished fully on that villages due to their corruptness. They are very angry on the Indian Police, that is why People of Village are supporting Maoist and number of Maoist are increasing day by day.

The Indian Police have to again win the belief of people on that Naxalite Area, till only this Chakravyuh will be able to finish. This is very true that our government and Police could not be able to do anything in that Naxalite Area. Naxalists have captured that place.

I am very sorry to say that the Maoists are not doing well by killing people, they should also come up with Non-violence. I also want to say the Indian Police that they do not kill the people and come up with non-violence.

I was just writing something on reviewing of Chakravyuh Movie. The Story have been presented is very correct, there are many state like Jharkhand, Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh etc where Maoists are increasing day by day. Gandhi jee never wanted that our country would become such country where violence are everywhere. They want pure non-violence country. So please Maoists, if you will not follow the current government rules, and then just follow the Gandhi jee rules who have given us Independent India. I also want to request to Indian Police that kindly do not follow the old rituals called only violence, just follow the Gandhi Jee rules and try to make our country violence free.

Indian Government should think over it and try to resolve the matter of those villages and do some developments there, if they pass funds to that villages, they should not only pass that funds but also take care of that funds about its using. The Government should try to talk with Naxalite and Maoists.

I really wanted to say this thought to Peoples after watching this wonderful movie called 'Chakravyuh'. I will give 4.9 out of 5.

Chakravyuh Movie Trailer

Mehangai Song Chakravyuh (Exclusive Video)


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jharkhand Development Report 2012

The Jharkhand Governor has released the Jharkhand Development report produced by Prabhat Khabar. In which they have given SWOT analysis on Jharkhand Development.

Report produced by Hindi News Paper The Prabhat Khabar

Released by Governor Syed Ahmed

Year : 2012

Source : Times of India

Jharkhand Electricity Development aims to produce 8,000 MW

At Jharkhand Padampur, The Jharkhand government has an intention to produce 8,000 MW electricity. Right Now the Jharkhand is having production of 2100 MW electricity.

More Read

Source: Economic Times

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hafta Vasuli or collecting money is big issue in Dhanbad Jharkhand

Hello Friends,

I want to share with you my real experience about 'HAFTA VASULI'  i.e. collecting money from market which is illegal. Suppose that you are doing your own business, it can be any type and some body who is the 'rangdar' of that place and they will ask you money daily on your earning(sharing of your income). Will you give your money to 'anti social person'.

I have seen that I was going somewhere in auto and there are some 'rangdars' i.e. anti social person asking money from auto driver in every trip. I could not understand the matter. I have lot of question in my mind that

Why he is asking money

Who is the person responsible for it, the one who is giving money because he has to do business and the one who is asking money from him

who is the chief of these people

The big question is that, the money he is taking from auto driver, they are not providing any receipt on the paid money. It is totally illegal.

That is why I am telling you, these are the small things which is puling back to the state. People who are education but still they are giving illegal money to them, because they have to run their business in that locality.

Now! Tell me friends, is it illegal? and what are things we should do against them.

If you have been asked for such money, first of all, according to me,  take a snap or record the video or voice of the asker then go to the local Police station and lodge the FIR.

Somewhat , the local police also support them, that is why they might not have lodged your complaint, if they do such then go to the higher authority or any social NGO or foundation and say the full story. Show that snap or video recording to them. You are one who can change the tradition and think about the success of the State and your city.

We should not give money to them at any cost. We should take action against them.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jharkhand committed to rapid industrial growth

As published in Hindustan Times, New Delhi on 26th Sept 2012. It was nice to to know about the development of our Jharkhand that

Jharkhand Achievement: As many as 26 mega industries, 106 large and medium industries and 18,109 micro and small industries have been set up in the State during the period with an approximate investment of Rs 28,424.06 crore and about 63,000 people thus far got employment in these industries.

Apart from this The Jharkhand Government is doing good in Jharkhand very rapidly. 

Steel Production in the State has been increased from 8-12 million tonnes per annum during its 11th Plan.

The Jharkhand state has installed capacity of 1320 MW. There are many new Industrial policy is to be executed in 2012 in the state.

It is very nice to know about the development of the state, there are many sectors, the Government is working on like

Industrial Corridor and Parks
Skill and Entrepreneurship and Development
Value Addition(Power Plants)
Sericulture, Handloom & Handicraft Textile and Apparels
Information Technology / Bio Technology
Incentives and Concessions
Single Window Clearance
Land Issues and Mines

There are no fields left in the policy, if work will be done in this agenda, the State will also develop.

For more...see Hindustan Times of 26th September 2012.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Are Naxalism pushing Jharkhand back and troubles in development

I have a question in my mind for this Blog again, which is

Are Naxalism pushing Jharkhand back and troubles in development?

I would like to tell you that Naxals is a communist groups, which is operated in various parts of India mainly in Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa. Our Prime Minister said that it is a threat to India's National security.

There are many violences keeps happenning from their side time to time.

Still researching on it...will be updated.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why Jharkhand is Behind in Development

Hello Friends,

Jharkhand is behind having everything is here like COAL, iron ore, coal, copper ore, mica, bauxite, graphite, limestone, and uranium, and also have vast forest resources. Still It is in back side, peoples of Jharkhand are poor due to low earning. There are many reasons that Our State Jharkhand is undeveloped state.

That is why I am here on Blog, I have motivated to see the state like Bihar, Gujarat etc, and thinking very deeply about the development of our state and peoples of Jharkhand.

I started blogging on on the same and will be trying to know about various reasons of undevelopment here. We will be discussing various issues here.

We also want to develop Jharkhand state too. I want your suggestion and help regarding this. Anything you want to add in this blog, you can send direct email to me or comment here.
